Mayor Pawlowski – Exhibit A on the need for term limits.

Friends & Neighbors,

I’ve written many times over the last few years that the entire Lehigh Valley in part rises or falls with the health of our city cores. So, it’s been sad that the Mayor of Allentown’s political corruption scandal has loomed over some otherwise good progress being made. He’s been an increasingly dark cloud and distraction last few years.

With a guilty on 47 counts verdict handed down yesterday and hopefully a quick resignation, the Valley as a whole and the City can finally move forward.

Bill White’s Morning Call column hits a number of important points. They relate to my stance on the importance of term limits for full time paid elected positions.

Clearly, The Mayor over time (or perhaps from the very beginning) let political ambition get the best of him which set the stage for a series of severe ethical lapses and numerous poor decisions.

When you see politics as a career, inevitably at some point you establish a career path, stop making decisions for constituents and start making political calculations for yourself. You stop being a public servant and become something else. One cannot serve two masters.

This is the main reason why I’ve always supported term limits. Ambition is a career politicians worse enemy. We defend against that by ensuring public service remains a calling and not a career.

This doesn’t end with the City of Allentown and hopefully this verdict sends a message across the entire Commonwealth. To see how deep the problem runs, spend some time reading “Keystone Corruption: A Pennsylvania Insider’s View of a State Gone Wrong“. The problem is systemic.

This is why we need structural change. That begins with term limits, resign to run legislation and yes, making districts fair and competitive. We need a return to a citizen legislature in Harrisburg. And all these items help to ensure that.

-Ron Beitler
Candidate for 134th State House

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