#pabudget fiasco

Latest on the fiasco that is the #pabudget. Looks like thanks to some procedural maneuvering the Senate “budget framework” is back on the table.

What that means for liquor privatization and pension reform? Who knows. What we do know is the “framework” for spending was moved forward apparently instead of an 11 month stop gap budget. The spending plan will now require an additional 700 million in new revenue. That will be tackled in the coming days. But hey, vote for the spending package first – handle that pesky little detail about how you pay for it later. Makes sense? Right?

Speculation is that it could happen on Christmas Eve. Here come higher tax increases Merry Christmas!??

There are lots of better sources for evaluation of what this all means. What I like to do here is post how our local LV delegation voted FYI since it’s not always easy to figure it out.

On a vote that essentially positions the 30.8B framework for consideration – as opposed for a stop gap – The original Senate Bill was sponsored by Pat Browne (R)
Voting no (you can only assume in support of a 11 month stop gap?)
Ryan Mackenzie (R)
Justin Simmons (R)
Gary Day (R)
Julie Harhart (R)

Voting yes – (in favor of a return to framework as opposed to stop gap)
Mike Schlossberg (D)
Pete Schweyer (D)
Dan McNeill (D)

I’ll say this. Whole process has been frustration. Pension reform, severance tax and liquor store privatization – all items that majority of Pennsylvanians support based on polling. And yet here we are 150+ days into a deadlock and its possible we have no action on any. Tax increases with no structural reform is total loss for Republicans who hold the majority of the general assembly.

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Why? We have two parties silo’d and slotted into heavily gerrymandered districts. So each one answers to special interest masters.

In PA’s gerrymandered mess voters don’t choose politicians. Politicians choose voters. I sincerely believe that is at the core of this stalemate and the result is a lack of action on most all critical issues. I don’t blame individuals. I blame the system.


The 134th - "Contiguous and Compact"......?

Last iteration 134th  – “Contiguous and Compact”……?

The 134th today - "Compact and Contiguous"?

The 134th today – “Compact and Contiguous”?