Lower Macungie Christmas tree pickup, recycling information & dates

Did you know that here in LMT when waste management picks up your Christmas Tree it is taken to our yard waste center for recycling?


Why Recycle Christmas Trees: 33 million Christmas trees are sold in the U.S. every year. Compared to artificial trees, real Christmas trees are a renewable resource. 98 percent of trees are grown and harvested each year as a crop. 1000’s of locally owned and operated tree farms across the nation are supported. Real Christmas trees are carbon neutral and create biodegradable waste, making them the greener choice! It’s still important to keep Christmas trees out of landfills where they biodegrade slowly due to low oxygen levels. Here in LMT we’re doing our part by recycling trees into mulch/humus which is then available for pickup by residents at our yard waste recycling center.

Here is pickup schedule for Lower Macungie:

  • Christmas trees will be picked up by Waste Management on your normal trash collection day (by separate truck) during the weeks of January 6th and January 13th, 2014.

Remember: Trees will not be accepted if they are in plastic bags, bound with twine and/or have any ornamentation on them, including lights. 

  • If you wish to remove your tree earlier: They can be taken to the Yard Waste Recycling Center at 5536 Indian Creek Road. The same rules regarding ornamentation apply. Township website, www.lowermac.com has hours of operation.

*Note: Christmas wreaths cannot be placed out with your tree or brought to the Yard Waste Center. Wreaths should be placed in with your trash.