#PlanSWL opportunities – Take the survey! Get involved.

1.Did you get this postcard in the mail? 
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If so your participation in planning the future of Southwest Lehigh County is needed! If you got the postcard in the mail it means you were randomly selected to participate in the ‪#‎PlanSWL‬ survey.

Unfamiliar with #planSWL? Click here – What is #PlanSWL? If you got the card, please make sure go to the link and take the <10 minute survey. It’s your future, your priorities and your community. Make your voice count! 

2. If you did NOT get the card. You can STILL participate!
 (The random selection was to ensure a control group for validity reasons – please do not “stuff the valid box” – Only fill out 1 time)

To take the survey please visit www.planswl.org and click the yellow header on the top of the page that says “Click here to take Survey“.