Post WW2 vs. traditional development patterns.

Lower Macungie has for far too long been heavily invested in the post WW2 development pattern. A pattern proven to lead to an inevitable outcome of decline.

I am interested in fostering an environment conducive to a more time tested and resilient traditional approach. This chart breaks the differences down:
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We start by eliminating and rolling back arbitrary regulations that actually prevent, outright outlaw and deter more productive and higher value development.

The massive Spring Creek Properties development being constructed now is a classic post WW2 ponzi scheme development. Ultra large in scale. Infrastructure subsidized by massive taxpayer investments with no accounting for long term municipal liabilities. Ultra high risk. High impact. Dependent (So far) on 2 very large scale developers. Feedback upon buildout will be immediate and severe.

Although end of the day a more community friendly project because of a somewhat shared vision (although very much constrained from day 1) due to a genuinely conscientious developer Hamilton Crossings is still classic post WW2 ponzi scheme development. It took massive public subsidies and is therefore by nature very high risk and relatively low reward.

Moving forward we have to foster an environment where we can develop the Boulevard block by block with targeted relatively low cost investments. This represents incremental development on a manageable scale.

Creating value block by block looks like this:

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Progressive eye institute is a low impact high value project on the Hamilton Corridor. An example of what the township needs to foster.

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